
Showing posts from June, 2023

Canva in the Classroom

For this assignment I chose to use Canva to create an artifact! I have used Canva in the past for maybe one or two high school assignments but it has never actually crossed my mind to use it as a teacher. After looking through the website and becoming familiar with all of its tools, I have found that it will be an incredible resource to use in my classroom. Not only can I create my own resources to use but I can also look up pre-made resources and use them as is or customize them to fit my specific needs for my classroom. It is incredibly easy to use and navigate. You do not need an account to initially  create resources or use the website but in order to access your creations at a later date, you must create an account. Like most websites, there are different levels of accounts you can have. I decided to sign up for the free account which provides me with the basic tools and resources to use for my classroom. This comes with an incredibly large amount of templates, pictures, graph...

Animoto - Things to Know About First Grade

Image I created this Animoto video in hopes of giving my students and their families a way to preview the skills we will be working on in first grade. I included four core skills from both math and reading for my students and their families to be working on at home throughout the year! I plan to show this video to my students and their families at Back to School Night before the school year begins. I will also send them this video via our class Seesaw for them to refer to whenever they would like. If this goes well, I would love to make more Animoto videos throughout the year to keep my students and families informed of what we are learning in first grade!

Article Review Multimedia Project

Image References Actadmin. (2022, January 4). Free online seminar on Narrative methods for the improvement of social inclusion in the classroom. Action Synergy. ement-of-social-inclusion-in-the-classroom/  Aditi, Shrikant. (2022, November 25). Parents who raise highly successful kids have these 3 things in common . CNBC. se-3-things-in-common.html  Bruce, Johnson. (2023, January 10). 10 ways to help reluctant and struggling readers. Parenting. CodeIT, & NDFAuthors. (2016, June 26). Digital Storytelling: Children’s app trends in technology. Novak Djokovic Foundation.   Davis, S. (2013, April 11) . ...

Article Review

Using Digital Storytelling as a Turn-Around Pedagogy Author: Stephanie Anne Schmier Links to an external site.      The article I chose to review is called “Using Digital Storytelling as a Turn-Around Pedagogy” by Stephanie Anne Schmier. The purpose of this article was to explore how preservice teachers and students who are considered to be “struggling readers” can use digital storytelling to represent the students' literary identities. In the article, students used digital storytelling to create meaning, collaborate, and share their knowledge while the preservice teachers used the digital storytelling to better understand their students as learners and more effectively plan for instruction. The findings from this study conclude that digital storytelling is an effective way for students to communicate their learning as well as for teachers to see their “struggling rea...

Hi, it's me! Miss Webber!

     Hi, I'm Kate! 👋 Although my students know me as Miss Webber, Miss Webbie, and my personal favorite... Miss Clever. 😉 When you teach first grade, you collect many fun names as you go and I love to embrace each one. I started my journey in education at the University of Nebraska at Omaha where I studied Early Childhood Inclusive Education. Today, I am very happy with where I am at in my journey - teaching first grade for Omaha Public Schools at Gateway Elementary! I am currently teaching kindergarten for summer school which has only made me appreciate my little firsties even more. Kindergarteners are wild! 😅 Please wish me luck this summer!      Technology has never been my strong suit but teaching in today's world where technology is everywhere and used for everything, I have become a much more tech savvy person than I ever thought possible! I enjoy learning new things that I can use in my classroom to enhance  instruction as well as my students...