Hi, it's me! Miss Webber!
Hi, I'm Kate! 👋 Although my students know me as Miss Webber, Miss Webbie, and my personal favorite... Miss Clever. 😉 When you teach first grade, you collect many fun names as you go and I love to embrace each one. I started my journey in education at the University of Nebraska at Omaha where I studied Early Childhood Inclusive Education. Today, I am very happy with where I am at in my journey - teaching first grade for Omaha Public Schools at Gateway Elementary! I am currently teaching kindergarten for summer school which has only made me appreciate my little firsties even more. Kindergarteners are wild! 😅 Please wish me luck this summer!
Technology has never been my strong suit but teaching in today's world where technology is everywhere and used for everything, I have become a much more tech savvy person than I ever thought possible! I enjoy learning new things that I can use in my classroom to enhance instruction as well as my students learning. From day one, I have always been a Mac girl starting with my very first personal laptop to my school laptop I have now! Although, when I was a kid, PC was what we had. I use quite a bit of technology in my classroom including my MacBook Air school laptop, my school Apple iPad, my Promethean board, my document camera, as well as my projector. If we aren't somehow using interactive technology we are incorporating it in some other way. For school we use Office 365 and I have really appreciated all that I can do with this version of Office!
From the moment I stepped onto UNO's campus I knew that I wanted to pursue a master's degree in education as soon as I possibly could. The bigger question was where and how. As I continued on my journey through field experiences and various courses I got exposed to all kinds of routes I could take when it came time. Although, while I was in my clinical practice one of the other kindergarten teachers was right in the middle of obtaining her masters degree at Peru State. I asked her so many different questions about the program and she only had good things to say. Once I graduated undergrad and got a job at the same school I student taught at, I mentioned my loose plan of getting a masters degree to my cooperating teacher who had the same idea and had her mind set on Peru State. I signed up to begin courses for the spring semester the very next day! I plan to use my degree to become the most effective, efficient, informed, and passionate educator that I can possibly be. I want to know what I am talking about and be confident in the education I am providing to my students. Who knows, eventually I might use this degree to go back to school for a little while longer to become a school leader! The possibilities are endless, and that is why I ultimately decided to get this degree. ☺
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