Article Review

Using Digital Storytelling as a Turn-Around Pedagogy

Author: Stephanie Anne Schmier to an external site.

    The article I chose to review is called “Using Digital Storytelling as a Turn-Around Pedagogy” by Stephanie Anne Schmier. The purpose of this article was to explore how preservice teachers and students who are considered to be “struggling readers” can use digital storytelling to represent the students' literary identities. In the article, students used digital storytelling to create meaning, collaborate, and share their knowledge while the preservice teachers used the digital storytelling to better understand their students as learners and more effectively plan for instruction. The findings from this study conclude that digital storytelling is an effective way for students to communicate their learning as well as for teachers to see their “struggling readers” in a different light. Instead of seeing their students' difficulty reading as a label for the type of learner they are, digital storytelling helps teachers see their students as powerful learners in the classroom who have something to offer. 

    I  completely agree with the author about the benefits of incorporating digital storytelling in the classroom as a way to help students create meaning and share their literary identities. After reading this article, I can envision how digital storytelling could work in my own classroom with my own “struggling readers”. Many of my students who are considered to be “struggling readers” are also some of my students who have the biggest and brightest ideas and an abundance of experience and knowledge that they are just itching to share. I feel like implementing digital storytelling into my classroom could be a game changer for those students' perspectives of themselves as learners as well as the perspectives of their peers, other teachers, and their family. Even at the age of seven years old, my students are quite tech savvy and are very interested in the use of technology in the classroom. Allowing my students to use digital storytelling as a way for them to represent their learning would be motivating, engaging, and fun. I plan to try this out with my own students in the future!


Using digital storytelling as a turn‐around pedagogy. (2021). Literacy55(3), 172–180. to an external site.


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