
Course Reflection

  Course Reflection Video      Upon reflecting on everything I have learned, accomplished, and experienced throughout this course I have realized how many new tools and resources I have been exposed to that I will use in my classroom in the future. Of all the courses I have taken throughout my time at Peru State, I believe that I have learned the most new information from this course specifically. Not only was I introduced to a wide, wide, variety of resources, tools, and websites, I was also challenged to dive right in and put them to use! Using technology and  navigating social media has never been my strong suit so I was honestly very intimidated by this course in the beginning. However, I feel that I am leaving this course with a whole new level of confidence, comfortability, curiosity and determination to grow my skills and knowledge in this area. A few of the Educator ISTE goals that I feel I have met throughout this course are:      2.1 Lea...

Curriculum Video

Curriculum Video

Free Tech for Teachers - Blog Resources

Looking through the Free Tech for Teachers blog was super interesting. Although not all resources mentioned on this blog would be good for my students, I stumbled upon a couple of really great ones! Flip was by far my favorite of the resources I found and it is something that I have never even heard of before so I am pretty interested in trying it out in my classroom. Flip is an application that teachers can set up for their students to use at school on their iPads for free. The Flip app is used by students and teachers to communicate, share ideas, and interact with one another on a safe platform. The thing I love the most about Flip is that it can be easily adapted for younger student use considering there are options to communicate via short video, text and audio messages which all of my first grade students will be able to do. I also found resources providing easy ways to make presentations in both Canva as well as Google Slides.

Screencast - How to Access Epic! for Educators

How to Access Epic! I plan to use this specific screencast to teach new hires on my first grade team how to access Epic!, an educational resource that we often use in our classrooms. Now that I am comfortable with screencasting, I feel that I will create many more for both professional development purposes within my team and school, as well as for my students and their families use. I could see myself making a screen cast to explain an assignment, show colleagues and families how to access a school resource, or even to teach a mini lesson using online resources. The possibilities are endless!

Canva in the Classroom

For this assignment I chose to use Canva to create an artifact! I have used Canva in the past for maybe one or two high school assignments but it has never actually crossed my mind to use it as a teacher. After looking through the website and becoming familiar with all of its tools, I have found that it will be an incredible resource to use in my classroom. Not only can I create my own resources to use but I can also look up pre-made resources and use them as is or customize them to fit my specific needs for my classroom. It is incredibly easy to use and navigate. You do not need an account to initially  create resources or use the website but in order to access your creations at a later date, you must create an account. Like most websites, there are different levels of accounts you can have. I decided to sign up for the free account which provides me with the basic tools and resources to use for my classroom. This comes with an incredibly large amount of templates, pictures, graph...

Animoto - Things to Know About First Grade

Image I created this Animoto video in hopes of giving my students and their families a way to preview the skills we will be working on in first grade. I included four core skills from both math and reading for my students and their families to be working on at home throughout the year! I plan to show this video to my students and their families at Back to School Night before the school year begins. I will also send them this video via our class Seesaw for them to refer to whenever they would like. If this goes well, I would love to make more Animoto videos throughout the year to keep my students and families informed of what we are learning in first grade!

Article Review Multimedia Project

Image References Actadmin. (2022, January 4). Free online seminar on Narrative methods for the improvement of social inclusion in the classroom. Action Synergy. ement-of-social-inclusion-in-the-classroom/  Aditi, Shrikant. (2022, November 25). Parents who raise highly successful kids have these 3 things in common . CNBC. se-3-things-in-common.html  Bruce, Johnson. (2023, January 10). 10 ways to help reluctant and struggling readers. Parenting. CodeIT, & NDFAuthors. (2016, June 26). Digital Storytelling: Children’s app trends in technology. Novak Djokovic Foundation.   Davis, S. (2013, April 11) . ...